(403) 289-3602 office@stpiusx.ca



Parish Synod Sessions

Our Diocese has been on a journey over the past 7 years. As part of that journey, you all had the opportunity to participate in the Synodal activity in the spring of 2021. We are now moving into the next phase of the pastoral renewal work. Simultaneously much work is being done as a result of the Synod in October of 2023 in Rome. This work will be revisited in October of 2024.

All of the summary documents from the synodal consultation emphasize the importance of ongoing discussions at the parish level. Pope Francis has stated very strongly his view that the parish is a critical place for self-renewal and constant adaptation to be the Church Living. In the midst of the home of her sons and daughters.

We at St Pius X will be offering several opportunities for our parish to discuss these activities which are happening in our broader church.

At these sessions, we will review the Synodal process to date to learn about all the efforts made to truly engage with the broader church. We will also review the strong theological base for the synodal process.

We are very interested in each of your understandings of how this initiative has impacted you, and how you think we should move forward within St. Pius X to renew our faith community.

We are offering initially 3 sessions to have this discussion.
Our sessions will be on June 7 and 8.

  • June 7 – 1 to 3 pm in the church hall
  • June 7 – 7 to 9 pm in the church hall
  • June 8 – 1 to 3 pm in the church hall

Hopefully this will provide a reasonable time for each of you.

We hope you will be able to find time to contribute to the pastoral renewal within our parish and to better understand your role within the broader
church community.

Please register either by using the sign-up sheets in the back of the church, contacting the Parish Office or online (see link below).