(403) 289-3602 office@stpiusx.ca

Society of St. Vincent de Paul

Service and Outreach

Society of St. Vincent de Paul

The mission of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul is “to live the Gospel message by serving Christ in the poor with love, respect, justice and joy”.

What We Do

St. Pius X parish has a very active Society of St. Vincent de Paul ministry! We are a relatively small group with about 20 members. We meet once a month for an hour and we take turns being “on-call” for one week. During that week we retrieve the voice messages from the St. Vincent de Paul phone line, call the people back, and see what their situation is. Often people need a small food hamper or bus tickets. We either buy the food at the Co-Op store or access the pre-made food hampers from the church hall and deliver it to the people’s homes. Often a grocery card is provided to the recipient if fresh groceries have not been purchased by the volunteers.  Occasionally, we provide emergency rental assistance. We always work in pairs.

Call For Volunteers

Over the last 20 months, many of our volunteers have ‘retired’, either due to age or health concerns, so we are in need of more volunteers. Various volunteer duties include:

  • Attending monthly meetings
  • Packing food hampers
  • Taking on a week of ‘on-call’ duties to respond to hamper requests.  This is done with a partner, on a rotating basis, currently every 5 weeks (dependent upon number of SSVP volunteers)
  • Helping out with Stampeder parking program
  • Assisting with the Christmas Hamper program
New volunteers will be required to go through the Diocesan Volunteer Screening process, which will include a Police Check.  Need more information?  Send an email to ssvp@stpiusx.ca

Food Hampers

In 2021, our Vincentians delivered 360 food hampers throughout the year and 101 Christmas hampers.  We assisted 529 adults and 332 children.

For assistance with food hampers, please call the Parish office or email the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.


Our funding comes from donations from parishioners, other Ministries at St. Pius X, and from parking fees collected during the football games.

There is still a need to feed the poor.  You can help by donating to St Vincent de Paul.

If you would like to make a donation you can drop off a cheque at the locked mailbox.  Please make cheques payable to St. Vincent de Paul Society.

**NEW** You can now donate directly to our St Pius X Conference via e-transfer. New donation address is ssvp_donate@stpiusx.ca  Please state your full name and address in the memo line if you would like to receive a tax receipt, as St Vincent de Paul may not have access to Parish addresses.  Tax receipts will be sent via email for donations over $20.00.

Thank you for your ongoing support.

If you are interested in helping out, we can always use more volunteers! Please contact the Parish Office Thank you!

Get Involved!

Being part of one of the service groups at St Pius X means that you are also serving Christ and the Church! You are welcome to join our vibrant community! Please fill out our Ministry Sign Up online form to register with one of the Ministries and Groups.

Connect with us

Use the form below to contact us, or give us a call.

15 + 1 =


(403) 289-3602

2424 24 Avenue NW

Calgary, AB

T2M 2A2

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