(403) 289-3602 office@stpiusx.ca

Our Parish Hall


St. Pius X Parish Hall

August 2021

The new hall committee has continued to meet remotely on a regular basis.

To recap, the consensus of the parish was to explore the possibility of a partnership with Covenant Living and the diocese to develop an affordable senior living complex that would incorporate a new hall for St. Pius X, including the required parking.

Both Covenant and the diocese had to prioritize their time to deal with COVID during this past year, putting these discussions on hold.

The committee is pleased to report that the project is now moving forward. Cahdco, a non-profit real estate development corporation, has been engaged at no cost to apply to CHMC for a grant to prepare a feasibility study to build the senior’s complex. Cahdco is experienced both in developing affordable housing solutions and dealing with CMHC.

It will take approximately 2 months for Cahdco to complete the application and another 2 months to finish the report.

The committee will keep the parish informed as to the progress and hope to make a formal presentation near the end of November.

February 2019

We conducted a parish survey with regards to building a New Hall. We are happy to share the results with you.

During the mid 1950’s our current hall was constructed. Since then, it has served in many roles including: church, rectory, dance hall, conference center, Inn from the Cold, reception hall for weddings and funerals, gathering place for coffee and parties.

Materials have changed, building codes have changed and parish needs have continued to evolve. With this in mind, Parish Council requested a comprehensive study of the existing hall by the Building and Maintenance Committee (BMC) to determine how best to respond to these many changes.

There were a number of proposals investigated by the Building and Maintenance Committee. Many of these were very expensive and did not address all of the concerns highlighted during the reviews. Based on the results of the BMC report, Parish Council recommended to Fr.  Bill that a new hall should be constructed within the next 5‐7 years, as that is the projected life of the current hall.

Our Finance Committee creates our annual budget and tracks our financial history. They reported that St Pius X Parish continues to be financial stable, meeting all financial obligations.  Our weekly collections have been increasing, further adding to our financial stability and this is directly through your generosity.

Our Building and Maintenance Report estimates a new hall will cost approximately $1.2 million. Based on our history and current trends, we can financially carry this debt.

We are required first to collect 50% of the estimated amount to be able to proceed with this project.

We are committed to developing a well thought out project plan and have already begun the necessary steps. We have had discussions with the Diocese of Calgary and recently requested in writing their formal approval of the plan Once the Diocesan approval is received, we will:

  • seek membership for a fundraising committee, engage an architect continue to dialogue with you about your new hall
  • require your involvement at many levels.

We hope to be able to share the Diocese’s response with you soon and continue with a new hall to meet the needs of the parish community for many years to come.