**NEW** You can now donate directly to our St Pius X Conference via e-transfer. New donation address is ssvp_donate@stpiusx.ca Please state your full name and address in the memo line if you would like to receive a tax receipt, as St Vincent de Paul may not have access to Parish addresses. Tax receipts will be sent via email for donations over $20.00.
I wish to register for PAD
Please register with Pre Authorized Donation form (PAD) and send to the office – office@stpiusx.ca
HI. I need to update my credit card info for when my next donation is charged on April 15,,,,maybe I set up a new payment on St. PIus X Parish PAD?
Yes- You can set up the Pre Authorized Donation form (PAD) and send to the office – office@stpiusx.ca
Good morning
I wish to donate on a monthly basis
Please fill out the Pre Authorized Donation form (PAD) and send to the office – office@stpiusx.ca
As a parishioner, please tell me how I can make a donation to the St Pius St Vincent de Paul group?
**NEW** You can now donate directly to our St Pius X Conference via e-transfer. New donation address is ssvp_donate@stpiusx.ca Please state your full name and address in the memo line if you would like to receive a tax receipt, as St Vincent de Paul may not have access to Parish addresses. Tax receipts will be sent via email for donations over $20.00.