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  • Marriage Prepration Form |

    Sacraments Marriage Preparation Course At St. Pius X we offer Marriage Preparation that follows the Diocesan “For Better & For Ever” workbook. The course involves a series of five meetings, usually about 1.5 hours each, between one engaged couple and one sponsor couple. The meetings take place at a mutually agreed upon time typically at the home of the sponsor couple and are usually spread out one meeting every couple weeks, but this can get tailored to the needs of the engaged couple. “For Better & For Ever” is our Diocesan marriage program. It gives engaged couples an opportunity to discuss some of the issues that are key to a successful marriage! For more information about the this program, please email Paul & Michelle or phone them at (403) 808-8275. To register for Marriage Preparation at St. Pius X Roman Catholic Parish, please fill out the online registration form and we will contact you shortly. Marriage Registration Form No page Any married couples interested in becoming sponsors for engaged couples are invited to fill out our online ministry form Ministry Sign Up

  • Society of St. Vincent de Paul |

    Society of St. Vincent de Paul Service and Outreach Society of Vincent de Paul The mission of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul is “to live the Gospel message by serving Christ in the poor with love, respect, justice and joy”. What We Do The Society of St. Vincent de Paul at St. Pius X Parish is dedicated to serving those in need in our community. Our volunteers play a vital role in providing support through a variety of services, such as delivering food hampers, offering transportation assistance like bus tickets, and sometimes providing emergency rental aid. Volunteers may assist by retrieving and responding to messages on our dedicated SVdP phone line, delivering food, or working together on different initiatives that help alleviate immediate hardship. Call For Volunteers We are always looking for compassionate individuals to join our ministry and support our mission. Whether you can commit to being on-call for a week every other month, assisting with deliveries, or helping with one-time projects, there are numerous ways to get involved. Volunteers are often paired up to ensure both safety and a team-oriented approach to service. Depending on your available time, optional volunteer opportunities include: Packing and preparing food hampers for distribution Taking on a week of “on-call” duties to respond to hamper requests, working with a partner on a rotating schedule (currently every (6-8) weeks, depending on volunteer availability) Attending monthly meetings to stay updated on ministry activities Assisting with the Stampeder parking program as a fundraiser for the ministry Supporting the Christmas Hamper program to help families in need during the holiday season New volunteers will be required to complete the Diocesan Volunteer Screening process, which includes a Police Check. Food Hampers In 2024, our Vincentians delivered 389 food hampers including 103 Christmas hampers. We assisted 595 adults and 515 children. For assistance with food hampers, please call the Parish office or email the Society of St. Vincent de Paul . Donations Our funding comes from donations from parishioners, other Ministries at St. Pius X, and from parking fees collected during the football games. If you would like to donate you can drop off a cheque at the locked mailbox or the parish office Please make cheques payable to St. Vincent de Paul Society. For e-transfer donations, please use the following email address: Please state your full name and address in the memo line if you would like to receive a tax receipt. Tax receipts will be sent for donations over $20.00. Your generous contribution helps support those in need in our community through our various programs and services. Thank you for your kindness and support! Get Involved! If you are interested in helping out, we can always use more volunteers! Being part of one of the service groups at St Pius X means that you are also serving Christ and the Church! You are welcome to join our vibrant community! Please fill out our Ministry Sign Up online form to register with one of the Ministries and Groups here or email us at . First Name Last Name Email Message Thanks for submitting! Send

  • Men’s Prayer and Discussion Group |

    Men's Prayer and Discussion Group Prayer and Faith Men’s Prayer and Discussion Group We meet one Monday evening each month. Please contact the office for this month’s meeting or any unexpected changes to this schedule. All are welcome! Get Involved! Being part of one of the service groups at St Pius X means that you are also serving Christ and the Church! You are welcome to join our vibrant community! Please fill out our Ministry Sign Up online form to register with one of the Ministries and Groups. Ministry Sign up First Name Last Name Email Message Thanks for submitting! Send

  • Spiritual Dimension of Women |

    This is the women parish group and they meet every week Spiritual Dimension of Women Prayer and Faith Spiritual Dimension of Women Faith sharing with other women every Friday morning from 9:30 am to 10:30 am. Get Involved! Being part of one of the service groups at St Pius X means that you are also serving Christ and the Church! You are welcome to join our vibrant community! Please fill out our Ministry Sign Up online form to register with one of the Ministries and Groups. Ministry Sign up First Name Last Name Email Message Thanks for submitting! Send

  • Catholic Women’s League |

    The Catholic Women's League Service and Outreach The Catholic Women’s League We welcome every woman over the age of 16 in St. Pius X Parish to join the largest national organization of Catholic women in Canada with a tradition of service to others as expressed in the motto “For God and Canada”. The League is a united voice for Catholic women contributing to life and vitality in the church, family and community. For more information about membership, please contact our Membership Convenor We invite you to read the CWL Annual Report 2023 for a glimpse into our ministry’s activities and community support. Read The CWL Newsletter CWL Executives Meetings Our Council meets on the 4th Tuesday of the month. While attending meetings is important, we realize that in this busy world it may not always be possible for you to attend. Your support is as important as your attendance! Our aim is to be Christ-centred in faith and action. To do this our League focuses on these principle ministries: Spiritual Development Promoting Christian values Advocacy Seeking social justice Supporting women For a ride to and/or from any CWL please email us and we will gladly help! Support Our Foster Children Esther. Born February 12, 2014, and 10 years old, she lives in Marura in Nanyuki, Kenya. She is in Grade 4, loves reading, and wants to be a teacher. Her home is wood with a sheet metal roof. She lives with her mother, brother and 2 sisters. Esther attends school every day and has the supplies she needs to complete her education, grow up healthy and achieve her dreams, thanks to our sponsorship. Esther Nyawira Mwangi Angel Angel. Born February 10, 2010, and 13 years old, she lives in an orphanage as she was abandoned. She is physically challenged and is presently in a special class. Our support through Relighting Lives Foundation is allowing for her schooling and support in reaching her dreams. St. Pius X CWL $1000 Scholarship Each year our council presents a post-secondary scholarship to a female member of our parish who is planning to attend local, post-secondary institution and has filled out a scholarship application. Scholarship Deadline Approaching! Applicant must be a female, active member in St. Pius X Parish, who has graduated from high school, who wishes to pursue or is pursuing post-secondary education at any accredited institution (ie. SAIT, ACAD, MRU SMU, U of C, BVC) working towards a degree, certificate, diploma, etc. Must write a 500-word essay stating her understanding of the philosophy of the Catholic Women’s League of Canada, why she would choose to be a member of this organization, and why she deserves this scholarship. The deadline for applications is June 30th. Find the Scholarship application here . Greeting Cards Project We collect stamps and greeting cards for various mission projects. Just label your items in a bag and drop them off at the Parish office. These donation will assist Sr. Cecily Graves with her Mission Council work for the Diocese of Calgary. First Name Last Name Email Message Thanks for submitting! Send

  • Prayer and Faith |

    Prayer and Faith MINISTRIES Join Our Prayer Groups Being part of one of the prayer groups at St. Pius X means that you are also serving Christ and the Church! You are welcome to join our vibrant community! Please fill out our Ministry Sign Up online form to register with one of the Ministries and Groups. Ministry of Praise Rosary Adult Faith Formation Eucharistic Adoration Legion of Mary Men’s Prayer and Discussion Group Spiritual Dimension of Women Ministry Sign up

  • Pastoral Health Care |

    Pastoral Health Care Service and Outreach Pastoral Health Care Members of the Pastoral Health Care bring Sunday communion to residents at Bethany Care Centre, after 9:00 am Sunday Mass. Members also assist at Bethany Care Centre on Thursday morning by bringing residents from rooms to 10:30 am Mass. They also visit the sick and elderly in their homes. Get Involved! Being part of one of the service groups at St Pius X means that you are also serving Christ and the Church! You are welcome to join our vibrant community! Please fill out our Ministry Sign Up online form to register with one of the Ministries and Groups. Ministry Sign up First Name Last Name Email Message Thanks for submitting! Send

  • Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults |

    Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults "Always remember this: life is a path, a journey to meet Jesus" -- Pope Francis Sacraments Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) RCIA is a gradual initiation into the Catholic tradition and a way of life based on the teachings, life, death and resurrection of Jesus. The RCIA program at St. Pius X is ongoing – anyone interested in exploring the Catholic tradition may begin at any time. The length of the entire program varies with each individual. For unbaptized participants, the journey culminates in the rites of initiation – Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist – celebrated at the Easter Vigil. Those who have been baptized in another Christian tradition usually go through the same program as those who have not yet been baptized. All are received into full communion with the Catholic Church at Easter, although for those previously baptized this may take place at any time. Seeking to learn more about the Catholic faith? Want to become a member of the Church? We are preparing for RCIA in the fall and are seeking people to help as catechists, sponsors as well as participants. If you or anyone you know are interested, please contact our Deacon. The Four Stages of RCIA The RCIA program is divided into four distinct periods. As people move from one stage to the next, they celebrate certain rites with the Catholic community. Precatechumenate: This is a period of informal inquiry into Christianity as practiced in the Catholic Church. During regular group meetings, conversation centres around the questions that inquirers bring about becoming Catholic. Each participant decides when to move on to the next stage. Should an inquirer decide to proceed, he or she participates in the Rite of Acceptance, celebrated during the Sunday liturgy, and is welcomed to the parish community. Catechumenate: During this period the candidates (baptized) and catechumens (unbaptized) are invited to move more deeply into communion with God and the parish community. Each Sunday RCIA participants leave mass before the Liturgy of the Eucharist to “break open” the gospel that they have just heard proclaimed. We join the community again after mass. We also meet regularly to explore the Sunday readings further and to discuss various Catholic Christian teachings in the context of our lives. Participants are provided with companions from the Catholic community to walk with them on their journey toward full communion with the Catholic Church. Those who decide to become Catholic move to the next stage by celebrating the Rite of Election on the first Sunday of Lent at St. Mary’s Cathedral. Purification & Enlightenment: This period coincides with the six-week Lenten preparation for Easter. It is a time for more intense deepening of our relationship with Jesus and each other. We open ourselves to God’s grace, acknowledging our weaknesses and celebrating God’s healing presence in our lives. At the Easter Vigil the catechumens celebrate the sacraments of initiation – Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist – with the parish community and, along with the candidates, enter into full communion with the Church. Mystagogy: The RCIA group meets until Pentecost Sunday. During this period we share our experiences of Holy Week and explore our Baptismal Commitment to building God’s reign on earth. As the RCIA journey ends, integration of the newly baptized and confirmed into the Catholic community continues. The entire parish is responsible for the ongoing welcoming and nurturing of our new members. RCIA Team Team members participate in various ways, including hospitality, teaching, planning the various RCIA rites, and encouraging the integration of RCIA participants into the parish community. Companions/Sponsors A sponsor is a parishioner who offers individual support and encouragement to an RCIA participant. A companion/sponsor attends group meetings when possible, walks with the individual toward Baptism and/or full Communion and welcomes him or her into the parish. This can be a very enriching experience, nurturing mutual growth. Please register below. Feel free to contact our parish office if you have any questions or require more information regarding the RCIA program. Registration Form

  • Grocery Cards Program |

    Grocery Card Fundraiser Update Grocery Cards UpdateGrocery CardsSt. Pius X is a participant in the grocery card program offered by local grocery stores. By participating in the program, we can all help fund raise for the parish. Key questions regarding the program are listed below. The Grocery Cards are sold after every weekend mass in the vestibule. Contact the office if you wish to purchase some during office hours. Service and Outreach Grocery Card Program FAQ What is the Grocery Card Program? The Grocery Card Program is a fundraiser, based on “volume buying” whereby a percentage of each card comes back to St. Pius as earnings. How does it work? When you purchase the card at St Pius, you receive the full face value of the card, PLUS from every card, St Pius X Parish receives: CO-OP – 6 % Safeway/Sobeys – 6% Superstore – 5% Can I use these Cards for fuel and transit passes? You can use your cards for fuel at CO-OP Gas Bars only. Transit passes can be purchased at any of these stores where this service is available. What other supermarkets will accept my grocery card? Across the country, you can use your cards at: Safeway/Sobeys: Sobeys, Safeway, IGA, Foodland, Freshco, Thrifty Foods Superstore: Loblaw stores including Superstore, Loblaws, No Frills, Wholesale Club Co-op: participating Calgary Co-op locations Can I ‘re-fill’ my Grocery Card? Yes, you can ‘re-fill’ your card, however your ‘re-fill’ will not benefit St Pius. If you wish St Pius to continue to receive the fundraiser benefit, you need to purchase a new card every time. Do I still get my REWARDS? Absolutely YES!!! Your CO-OP number, Scene (Sobeys), and PC Optimum points all apply. Do the Grocery cards expire? No, the grocery cards never expire. How can I pay for my Grocery Cards? We take cash, cheques (preferable), Debit, VISA and Mastercard. How much does it cost the Parish for debit and credit transactions? For each debit transaction (regardless of the amount), it costs the Parish $0.05, while it costs the Parish 2.2% per credit card transaction. What denominations are being sold? Grocery cards are available only in $100 denominations each. When can I purchase my Grocery Card? Grocery Cards will be on sale after Weekend Masses in the vestibule and throughout the week from the Parish office during Office Hours. What are the benefits of buying grocery cards? Each year, Parish Council makes a decision on the best way to use the net proceeds from this fundraiser. In 2023, as in the last two years, the decision was made to direct funds towards Parish operations. You will be making a difference, just by doing what you always do—-buying groceries, and fuel. These Grocery Cards are also most beneficial, for gift giving, such as students in University, Christmas giving, or any other occasion that arises. Remember,the Parish receives $5 to $6 every time you purchase a $100 grocery card and you have the full spending power of $100 including your rewards points that you acquire at the grocery stores. Who do I contact should I need more information or to assist with sales? Please contact Mirka or Ron, by email. Get Involved! Being part of one of the service groups at St Pius X means that you are also serving Christ and the Church! You are welcome to join our vibrant community! Please fill out our Ministry Sign Up online form to register with one of the Ministries and Groups. First Name Last Name Email Message Thanks for submitting! Send

  • St. Rita’s Ladies Group |

    St. Rita's Ladies Group Service and Outreach St. Rita’s Ladies Group Mission Statement St. Rita’s Ladies Group expresses our love of Christ through services at St. Pius X Parish By volunteering our time, talents and resources for funeral receptions and fund raisers for various projects and charities while enjoying the fun and fellowhip of our members. Vision Statement Express our love of Christ by donating comfort items and financial support to organizations helping those enduring impossible situations in their lives. New Members are welcome. Please contact the Parish Office for more information. Ministry Sign up First Name Last Name Email Message Thanks for submitting! Send

  • Service and Outreach |

    Service and Outreach MINISTRIES Join Our Service Groups Being part of one of the service groups at St. Pius X means that you are also serving Christ and the Church! You are welcome to join our vibrant community! Please fill out our Ministry Sign Up online form to register with one of the Ministries and Groups. Pastoral Health Care Catholic Women’s League Society of St. Vincent de Paul Knights of Columbus St.Rita’s Group Manna Ministry Grocery Cards Program Ministry Sign Up First Name Last Name Email Message Thanks for submitting! Send

Worship Gatherings

Weekday Masses:

Wed, Thurs, Fri @ 9:00 am

Sunday Liturgy:

Saturday @ 5 pm

Sunday @ 9 & 11 am


2424 24 Avenue NW
Calgary, AB
T2M 2A2

Near Crowchild Trail & 24th Ave NW

Office Hours

9:00 am – 1:30 pm
Monday – Friday

Closed Statutory Holidays

St.Piusx Catholic Parish, Calgary. 

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